Say Goodbye to Odor, Not Your Pet

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:31:19 AM

If you’re a pet owner, then you know that there is a certain smell to which you’re accustomed, unlike your guests.

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Eliminate Dog Odor Smells In Your Home

Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:44:00 AM

If you’re trying reduce pet-related odors in your home, we have some tips to help you get your home smelling fresh again!

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How To Keep Your Home Smelling Dog-Free

Sunday, May 01, 2016 10:57:25 AM

We all love dogs. After all, a dog is a man’s best friend. So, if you have a man’s best friend wagging at your feet day-in and day-out, and you use one of our grass pads that is made for indoor use; you’re probably wondering how you can cut back on the smell that gives away that there is a dog living in the residence.

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Deodorizing Grass For a Smell-Free Home

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:06:55 AM

We get it, your pets are your life! Trust us when we say, “We understand!” Your pet should be your life, and if they aren’t, we guarantee they are a huge part of it. If that sounds right, we’re also guessing that you home may smell a little on the “we own a pet!” side of things.

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DoggieLawn Explores: World Spay Day

Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:16:18 PM

World Spay Day is a coming!

Do you still need to spay or neuter your pooch? Unless you're hoping to expand your family, there's no better time than today to spay/neuter! On top of keeping your family the size that it currently is, there are several health benefits to getting the procedure done.

For one, spaying before your dog's first heat can help prolong their life span, according to ASPCA. How so? Well, spaying can stop breast tumors and even uterine infections from occurring!

Neutering can cut down the urge to roam, according to You may even your dog's behavior improve after the neutering procedure, adds the ASPCA, as un-neutered animals are known to spray. It can even cut down on aggression, according to PetMD. 

Of course, this does not mean spaying/neutering is without risks. Always talk with your veterinarian before putting your pooch through the procedure.

And don't forget, World Spay Day is happening on February 23! For more information on this spay-awareness day, visit

For those of you with doggies at home, be sure to check out our real grass DoggieLawn patches for a convenient, indoor potty solution! ! Our dog sod potty patches will keep him indoors for an easy potty solution. Simply place your dog sod litter box inside your apartment for an outdoor-free experience. Your outdoor dog litter box can easily be used indoors, and picking up your dog’s potty is a breeze since it’s all contained on the dog litter box. We also carry poop baggies that come in a variety of colors and fun patterns to match your stylish pooch!

Photo: Dream puppy pile; Ben Helps;

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DoggieLawn Explores: Breed Spotlight On The Siberian Husky!

Monday, January 18, 2016 12:32:45 PM

Who could ever forget a Siberian Husky, with their gorgeous grey and white fur coat and trademark bright eyes? It turns out their personalities are just as unique as their beautiful features.

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DoggieLawn Explores: Helping A Stray Dog

Friday, January 15, 2016 12:37:42 PM

Stray dogs can be rescued from the side of the road, but in order for you to safely approach the pooch, it’s best to ascertain how he or she is behaving.

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TAGS: howto

DoggieLawn Explores: Helping Your Energetic Dog Fall Asleep!

Thursday, January 07, 2016 12:42:39 PM

Trying to get shut eye with a wide-awake dog? Or perhaps you’ll be sleeping, only to be awaken by your energetic pooch?

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TAGS: howto

DoggieLawn Explores: New Years Resolutions With Your Dog!

Saturday, January 02, 2016 01:07:00 PM

Welcome to 2016! You may already have a laundry list of resolutions, but could your dog do with a little self-improvement in the coming year as well?

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TAGS: howto seasonal

DoggieLawn Explores: Ringing In 2016 With A Bang? Keep Your Dog Safe and Secure!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 01:16:29 PM

It’s the New Year, and for some of us that means long nights ringing in 2016 with friends, laughter, and even fireworks, depending on what city you live in. But just because you will be having plenty of fun catching up with your nearest and dearest, doesn’t mean your dog will be as well.

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TAGS: howto seasonal
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