Potty Tips for Dogs with Arthritis

Updated On: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 10:39:20 AM America/Los_Angeles

Getting old isn’t easy, and the same is true for our sweet, furry friends. Regardless of whether your dog uses a doggie door, waits for walks, or pees on a pad, it’s time to make adjustments if your pooch is developing arthritis. Not sure what first steps to take? Check out our suggestions below to make potty time easier for arthritic doggos.  

Photo by Dominik QN

Accessible Dog Bathroom

Accessibility can take different forms when it comes to dog bathrooms, but the main priority is to make access as straightforward and easy as possible. This means that pathways to the doggie door should be kept clear, and doggie door locations may even have to be reconsidered. For those using wee wee pads, keeping potties in well-lit, easy-to-access areas is important. 

Transition to a Pee Pad

The upside of utilizing pee pads for arthritic dogs is that the pads can be placed wherever is easiest for your pooch. They can be conveniently put near areas that dogs frequent to minimize the effort needed to make it to the bathroom. A real grass pee pad like DoggieLawn is a great way to transition dogs from going outdoors to using a pet potty indoors.    

Non-Slip Mats

A waterproof non-slip pad near potty areas can make moving around them a bit easier. A little extra grip can help senior doggos step on and off wee wee pads safely–especially if they’re also dealing with incontinence. Small puddles and drips can cause slipping, which can be especially dangerous for older dogs. 

Warming Beds  

Gettin' around just isn’t the same with stiff and painful joints. A warm bed or resting can help relax joints. Though dogs may not be on their warming bed 24/7, it’s likely they’ll be using them throughout the night. This can relieve stiffness at least for middle of the night and morning potty seshes. If a warming bed isn’t appropriate, a cozy blanket could be an appropriate substitute.  

More Pet Potties

Decreased mobility means your dog won’t be able to move back and forth as easily as they once used to. In addition to regularly traveled areas, dog bathrooms near resting areas and exits are other potential spots that could be helpful for arthritic dogs.  

Yummy Treats and Plenty of Praise! 

Just because a doggo is older or less mobile doesn’t mean they don’t need just as much reward and praise for their behavior. Considering that it probably takes much more effort for arthritic dogs to do routine activities, your fur baby will probably appreciate being recognized for the extra effort they put into using the pee pad. After they’ve gone potty, be sure to offer some delicious treats and plenty of praise to show them that you know they’re trying their best!