Outdoors v. Indoors: Which Is Better for Potty Training?

Updated On: Friday, January 10, 2025 12:40:48 PM America/Los_Angeles

There are many potty training options for dog pawrents today. But which one is best for your pup? Each has its pros and cons, but one of the most foundational choices you make for your doggo will be whether to potty train indoors or outdoors. While most dogs will likely go potty both inside and outside throughout the day, deciding where you train can make a significant difference. 

Photo by John Tuesday

Outdoor Potty Training

Outside seems like the natural choice, as most dogs will be expected to go potty when out for a walk. However, training outdoors can make the indoor training process challenging. Even for pooches who will primarily “go” outdoors, there will be times when using the bathroom indoors might be needed. This includes when you’re away from home, when they’re dealing with injury, or when they’re traveling with you. 

Keep in mind that sticking to a routine is equally important for doggos being trained to go potty outdoors as it is for those trained to go indoors. A set time and location will make it easier for your canine companion to understand what is expected of them. Rather than letting them roam around freely, begin by designating a specific spot and reward your fur baby when done! 

Indoor Potty Training

Potty training indoors can quickly become messy. Dogs will inevitably have accidents while learning appropriate potty behaviors. But mistakes throughout the learning curve will be worth the trouble when it comes time for your furry one to use a pee pad while you’re away. Forget about urgent potty training seshes before you head out of town when you train with a pet potty from the get go. A pee pad makes it easier for dogs to identify an appropriate potty location. In addition to being a clear visual marker, scents and textures can help canines recognize pee pads as a pet potty. 

The Best of Both Worlds

Natural pee pads like DoggieLawn can be used indoors, outdoors, or both! Real grass dog bathrooms are ideal for training because dogs not only get acclimated to using wee wee pads, they’re also learning to identify grassy areas as appropriate potty areas. Subscribe today for easy breezy potty training!