Meet The Breed: Pomeranian
Friday, February 17, 2017 10:46:49 AM America/Los_Angeles
Maybe you’re looking for your first dog, and maybe you’re an experienced dog owner who’s interested in bringing home just one more (for now, at least!). As you may already know, there are hundreds of breeds of dogs to choose from, making your decision even more difficult than you can imagine. We at DoggieLawn don’t just simply want to help you with our potty grass pads for dogs – we also want to offer our knowledge and experience to give you and your dog the best lives possible. One of our favorite breeds is the Pomeranian. We’d like to share with you some information on what makes these dogs so interesting and why we love them. Maybe you’ll decide that your next pet will be a Pomeranian!
About the Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is a breed of dog that’s descended from the Spitz type. While Spitz breeds are generally large herding dogs, the Pomeranian has been bred down in size. Pomeranians are actually tiny and the smallest of the Spitz breed. The Pomeranian got its name from the Pomerania region located in Germany and Poland. This breed of dogs dates back to at least 1767 where they were most commonly owned by royalty.
Physical Traits of a Pomeranian
Some of the notable physical traits of a Pomeranian include the following:
- Pomeranians typically weigh three to seven pounds.
- The height of a Pomeranian is usually around eight to 12 inches.
- The Pomeranian has the widest variety of colors in any dog breed. They can be white, red, orange, brown, black, and tan among many other colors.
- Pomeranians have a thick double coat that sheds often.
- Pomeranians have an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years, much longer than the average dog.
Personality Traits of a Pomeranian
Don’t let their size fool you - because the Pomeranian is descended from larger dogs, it can have the courage of a much bigger dog – and sometimes believes to be one as well! They have take-charge attitudes and are generally curious creatures, making them surprisingly effective as watchdogs. Pomeranians will bark at absolutely anything that’s suspicious! Pomeranians are natural extroverts and love to socialize. While they’re very friendly, they may not make the best pets for younger children because Pomeranians are delicate and shouldn’t be handled roughly or carelessly.
Your Pups Perfect Plan
At DoggieLawn, we understand that finding the perfect plan for your pup, or adult breed furry friend can be a daunting task! We try to make it as easy as possible though with our easy setup and product explanations. Below you will find some helpful potty training tips on making your DoggieLawn the most successful potty tool.
For Puppies: The general rule of thumb is to take how many months old your pup is, add one, and that is how long they can hold it! So if your pup is only a few months old, you can bet they could be going 4+ times per day. For this, we would recommend our Petite Pooch every other week or every week. This is so the grass potty pad does not get too saturated with urine. Keep in mind - you can ALWAYS switch your plan as your pup gets older!
Older dogs can hold it in a little longer. As such, a lower frequency, such as every 3 or every 4 weeks should suffice. This is also true if you are supplementing the lawns with daily walks. We do recommend curtailing walks during training on the DoggieLawn though so that your dog understands that your grass patch can also be used as a potty solution when a walk isn’t available.
Stumped on size? For dogs under 25 pounds, our Petite Pooch is the perfect fit! For dogs over 25 pounds, we recommend our Full Sized Fido option. Keep in mind that all dogs are different and some small dogs might need a larger space to go.
We understand that minds change all the time as well, which is why we make it easy for you to switch your plan or frequency at anytime by easily logging into your account to make the changes on your own!
Contact DoggieLawn Today!
If you’re interested in a grass pad for your Pom or other breed, we encourage you to pick your plan for purchase. If you have any questions about our pet potty grass, please don’t hesitate to contact us online, by phone at (310) 853-8997, or take a look through our FAQs. We can’t wait to hear from you!