4 Reasons Dogs Get Watery Eyes

Updated On: Friday, March 10, 2023 12:36:22 PM America/Los_Angeles

All dogs can get a little teary-eyed every now and then. And no, we don’t mean the kind of tears you get after watching a sad movie. Canines typically get watery eyes when dealing with a health concern such as allergies, but some dogs are simply more prone to chronic excessive teariness. So why do dogs get watery eyes? Below are the four most common reasons that our furry friends can get watery eyes. 

Photo by Simon Hesthaven


It’s not uncommon for dogs to have allergies, which can worsen during certain times of the year. And while spring and fall tend to be prime time for allergies, they can also occur year-round if your pup is allergic to something indoors such as dust or house mites. These types of allergens will require a more comprehensive solution, but reducing exposure to outdoor triggers can go a long way in the meantime. Using an indoor dog bathroom is a simple fix that can lessen symptoms. A real grass pee pad like DoggieLawn minimizes exposure to allergens so that your fur baby can stay as healthy as possible during allergy season! 


Some breeds are simply predisposed to have more watery eyes than others. Short-faced breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, and Shih Tzus are especially prone to watery eyes. Having light colored fur can make the condition look worse, as white fur is more easily stained. Special care should be taken to keep the eye area clean for these breeds, since moisture can gather in the facial folds and lead to bacterial infections. Regular cleaning can help prevent infections as well and keep the skin around the eyes from becoming irritated. 

Eye Infection

Unlike tears caused by allergies, eye infections can also result in excessive discharge or pus. Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is one of the most common types of eye infections in dogs. Pink eyes, swollen eyelids, yellow or green discharge, and watery eyes are all signs that a doggo may be struggling with a case of conjunctivitis. Luckily, pink eye is easily remedied with the aid of eye drops or ointments. If you suspect conjunctivitis, check with your vet to get the problem fixed in just a week or less!

Foreign Objects

A more temporary, as well as more obvious reason, that a dog can get teary is because they have something in their eyes. Most objects can be easily removed (using clean hands), but a vet can help if there’s debris that’s more difficult to remove and seems risky to attempt on your own.