Why is my dog vomiting?

Thursday, December 20, 2018 05:50:09 PM America/Los_Angeles

Dogs are amazing pets. It is for their nature that they are labeled as man’s best friend.  And just like us, they need health care.

Is your dog vomiting after every meal? You should be concerned when a dog vomits recently taken food. Your dog could be having things affecting its stomach. To cover the basics: Have you changed your dog’s nutrition? What is it eating lately?

Here are some reasons why your dog is vomiting.

Eating something inappropriate

It’s no doubt that dogs are the kings and queens of eating stuff they shouldn’t. From raiding the garbage bin to getting something foreign from the yard, they have mastered this. Some dogs also eat their own poop and that of other dogs. While it is harmless, the poop could contain various parasites, toxins, and viruses. These things cause irritation in the stomach and intestines. As such, the dog may vomit from the food poisoning. As a dog keeper, it is crucial to have a dog potty or dog grass so as to ensure their pooping is done in an area you can monitor and dispose of before they eat it.

Food allergies

It is very vital to check out the labels on dog foods and understand the dozens of ingredients. Dog foods have a mixture of very many ingredients that work on different dogs differently. Some dogs are allergic to certain addictive and products. While these allergic reactions show in different ways like itchy skin, vomiting is the main symptom. When it throws up after every meal, it could because of the products.

dog vomit

Eating grass

Do dogs eat grass when they feel like vomiting or they vomit because they ate grass? This is a classic “egg versus chicken” riddle. Some dogs are just grazers. They enjoy the greenery without vomiting. However, veterinarians agree that the feeling of nausea and intestinal discomfort may induce your dog to develop a taste for grass. It is very tempting to fault the foliage for the vomiting. It is therefore important to know why your dog yearned to graze. And, if your dog is a grazer, it is paramount to keep the yard clean to avoid it taking up worm eggs. Your dog should have a good potty training and real grass to prevent having poop in its grazing yard.

Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

You would be surprised what could be clogging your dog’s bowels. It could be socks, underwear, bones, rocks etc. Dogs are rarely choosy with what they consume and as such these foreign objects are a common occurrence. When the bowels are clogged with these foreign indigestible objects, persistent vomiting occurs. When not diagnosed and acted upon early, it could lead to serious complication or even death. Treatment to get rid of them is with a surgery. It can also get a nonsurgical procedure known as endoscopy.


Dogs will eat anything they have access to. They are a free spirit, they love exploring. Toxins in rotten meat, mushrooms, human medication or even snail baits lead to severe vomiting in dogs. The treatment depends on the kind of toxins ingested. While you can’t put 24-hour surveillance to your dog, you can make sure it accesses fewer toxins. As such, you can acquire an indoor dog potty to restrict its movement outside where it's more exposed to toxins.


The pancreas is just directly to the stomach and the small intestines. As such, it makes sense when an irritation or inflammation in the pancreas causes vomiting. The exact cause of pancreatitis isn’t clear but in many cases it arises after eating something that is fat-laden. So, that Thanksgiving turkey skin you admired your dog devour could be the reason it’s vomiting. The treatment involves the administration of intravenous fluids and medication.

Inflammatory bowel disease

For reasons not clear yet, dogs develop a kind of inflammation in the lining of their bowel. However, veterinarians argue allergies play a major role.  Persistent vomiting is the most common symptom of this disease. Treatment of this involves the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

Exercising after feeding

We all love dogs for their playful nature. Throwing a ball and having her fetch it is so much fun. While it is a good exercise for the dog, it’s not recommended just after feeding.  Immediate exercise after a meal can make your dog vomit. It is advisable to give the dog some time before the walk down the block or the play session.

As shown, there are various reasons as to why your dog is vomiting. The good thing is, these are all preventable and treatable. For starters, it is important to be careful of what your dog feed on and maintain high hygiene standards. To avoid dogs eating their own poop that is a contributor, get a DoggieLawn real grass. It is reliable and just what you need to make your dog’s life better.