Clean Up Your Pet’s Urine

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 02:08:24 PM America/Los_Angeles

It can be exhausting cleaning up after your brand new pup. There are plenty of accidents that you can expect to happen before they become completely trained on their real grass dog potty. Because we care about the well being of your home, it’s important to know how to clean up your dog’s urine properly so you can avoid having a home that smells like it’s soaked in urine. How To Clean Up Dog Urine Properly

Step 1: Soak up the urine. If the urine is still wet, make sure you soak up as much as possible. Use paper towels, old rags or anything that you don’t mind getting soaked with your pup’s urine. If the urine has already dried, the carpet is more likely to smell like urine, leaving your home smelling foul. The best way to remove the dried up urine is to move on to the next step, neutralize the odor. Contact us and prevent accidents from happening. To learn more about how to clean up your pet’s urine, feel free to continue reading our real grass dog potty blog. We have some great ways for you to keep your home as accident-free as possible. In order to keep your home proper, understand that your dog will have accidents, and know the steps to clean up the mess successfully without an residual smell.

Step 2: Neutralize the odor. The worst part about your dog having an accident on carpet is the lasting smell. After you complete step 1, it’s crucial that you neutralize the odor. Neutralizing the odor is easy when you have the right tools. We suggest using white vinegar and water. (If you don't like the smell of vinegar, consider buying an enzymatic spray that removes any stains or odors). Go ahead and grab a container of white vinegar from your local grocery store and add half water and half white vinegar into a spray bottle, bowl or cup. Mix the solutions well and pour the vinegar-water over the urine spot. Make sure you make enough of the solution to thoroughly soak the urine (it needs to reach the deepest fibers of the carpet). After pouring, wait 10 minutes before using towels to soak up the solution. Be patient, it can take a few hours for this newly soaked area to dry.

Step 3: Use commercial strength pet stain removers. Keep your carpets as clean and smell-free as possible by using commercial strength pet stain removers. There are plenty to choose from out on the market, and most of them come with deodorizers and/or air fresheners built into them. If you’ve already tried the vinegar and water solutions and it failed, your next step would be to purchase a commercial strength pet stain and odor remover. Make sure that when you purchase the commercial pet stain removers, you read the reviews first. You will also need to make sure the cleaner you choose is made to be used on your length and material of carpet.

Step 4: Hire a professional carpet cleaner to rid stubborn odor for good. Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to get the smell of urine completely out of your carpet. Because we want your home to be the best it can possibly be, we suggest that if the previous three steps didn’t work for you to remove odor and stains from your carpet, you hire a professional carpet cleaner. Unfortunately, it’s not always cheap, but it’s worth it if you want a clean and fresh smelling home.
